Why This Project?

While bouncing between countries last year, the idea came to me.

A friend had just gotten married. I was SO happy for her! SO happy because I knew that she had waited for a looooooong time for God to bring her new husband and her together. And I remembered years ago, when she was in her mid 30s, how she talked about making peace with her singleness and going through a raw, painful journey of trusting God with it. At the time, mid 30s was ages away for me and I admired this serenity and wisdom she had about everything.

I've always been sensitive to my friends' heartbreak. I was at a party once and a guy one of my friends really liked was there. I did some subtle fishing for her, only to make the sad discovery that he wasn't interested. I cried for her on the way home. And I prayed. But I was a bit annoyed. So many of my friends longed for that special someone. WHERE. Was. He?!

So several years ago, I started to pray with and for them about this issue. To pray for my girlfriends and for their future husbands. And declare that they were on their way, dang it, in Jesus' name, they were on their way! 

Back to a year ago when that one friend got married. It was like a spark of hope had ignited. If it can happen for her, then it can happen for others. And if it can happen for others, then . . .  it can happen for me.

After all, it's my story, too.

And so I thought that I would write this inspirational book and compile lots and lots of these hope-sparking stories. I was so excited about this idea I hardly slept for a couple of days - thinking all about it. Yet I didn't feel any peace to move forward. Argh. I hate when it's clear that the Holy Spirit is putting something on hold when you're just chomping at the bit! Ha! 

So I guess I just sort of forgot about it . . .

In the last couple of months I've been working on some fiction writing projects, but feeling a bit ho hum about them. I started to pray for some divine inspiration. And then last week, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, quite unexpectedly, THIS book project came to mind again.

And I knew, dear reader. I knew. I knew! I knew it was the right time to begin. Yay! 

And so, I've begun. 

While I've coached writers on organising their own books and staying motivated and how to get out of the quagmire of "writer's block;" and I've written in various forms for years and years, this will be my first published book. This WILL be my first published book.

There I've said it. 

I'm using what I have. Right where I am. Doing what I can do. Relying on the Holy Spirit to bring the exact right extraordinary women with the exact right stories, and relying on Him to guide me along the way. It's what we all must do, right?

Ain't no going back now!

In the blog portion of the site, I hope to chronicle the process of this project (provisionally entitled "Never Too Late") and share a bit of my personal journey.

At the very least, it'll be entertaining. ;) Come along with me! 

If you want to include your story as part of this project, please CLICK HERE for more information on how to get involved. (And do please share with your community!)

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